Meeting the needs of all students
One of the strengths of Catholic Education in Wilcannia-Forbes Diocese is the diversity of students. It reflects the diversity of life in Western NSW and the curriculum embraces this. It takes into account each student’s strengths, learning needs, their cultural and language background, disability, learning disabilities and difficulties, as well as individual student attitudes and abilities.
The focus on diverse student backgrounds is developed to promote justice, particularly to those who are culturally, physically, intellectually, financially or spiritually disadvantaged (as far as resources make this possible) and to demonstrate the church’s commitment to the dignity of the individual, particularly through the distinctive educational contribution Catholic school communities offer (Mandate paragraph, Mandate Letter 2008).
From a human rights perspective, it is based on a social justice paradigm of equal educational opportunity for all children within the classroom setting.
Gifted & Talented Education
God’s love for each individual is reflected in a variety of gifts and talents. Our diocesan community nurtures and shares the gifts and talents of all students by providing optimum opportunities for all to reach their full potential by:
- developing the whole person;
- encouraging the pursuit of excellence; and
- celebrating the gifts of each student.
Exceptionally able students are supported through an inclusive classroom learning environment that recognises diverse learning needs and provides depth and complexity through stimulating, flexible and student centred learning across all areas of the curriculum.
Students are also provided with authentic and purposeful learning opportunities to work individually and collaboratively through personalised learning projects in Literacy, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and the Creative Arts focusing on student interest and development in:
- creativity;
- digital technologies;
- computational thinking; and
- Problem-solving.
The diocese is also in the early stages of implementing GEODE, the Gifted Education Online Diocesan Environment, to connect students, classes and teachers around our rural and remote diocese in supporting gifted education and diverse learning for all students.
Cultural Inclusiveness
Catholic Education in Western NSW is committed to providing education for all students. We are inclusive of all languages and cultures, respecting the uniqueness and dignity of each person, and their linguistic and cultural diversity. We ensure access, equity and participation for all.
Learning Disability & Difficulty
Our ethos upholds the belief that all students, irrespective of ability, have a right to attend their local Catholic Parish School, to be educated with their peers and accepted as individuals, blessed with gifts that enrich the whole community.
Support for Students with Additional Learning Needs
In supporting students with additional learning needs, particularly those with a disability, the central focus is on the needs of the individual student rather than the disability, medical condition, language background or giftedness. While it is important to understand the nature of the student’s condition and the educational implications of the condition, it is equally important, if not more so, to focus on the student’s abilities. Students have the same educational, social, spiritual and emotional needs of their peers. What may vary is the nature and level of support students with disabilities and special learning needs require to access, participate and achieve the same educational opportunities as other students.
We endeavour to provide educational programs of quality that are adjusted for students with disabilities.
We are committed to:
- providing all students with equity of access to quality education from Kindergarten to Year 6, and through to transition to High School;
- building stronger working partnerships with students, parents, the community, and allied health agencies; and,
- facilitating access to appropriate support options available in the community for students with disabilities, including those who live in isolated areas.
Learning Support personnel are available in our schools and may be responsible for:
- Co-ordinating appropriate identification, intervention and monitoring of students experiencing difficulty with learning.
- Supporting classroom teachers to develop implement and monitor learning or behaviour plans for individuals and groups of students with educational needs
- Collaborating with parents and external community support agencies.
Our Enrolment of Students with Additional Needs Policy provides more information on the provision of services and support for students within Catholic Schools in the Wilcannia Forbes Diocese.
Link Enrolment of Students with Additional Needs Policy